Monday, September 2, 2024


This last month has been something else... It has had me pondering much about myself, my progression, what I want out of life... And the same thing keeps coming back and showing up in my space. 


Life sucks sometimes. Why am I... 51 years old and I am just barely taking the time to even care and even process this? 

I feel so dumb that this is even a topic that I am reviewing. 

YES, I know words matter
YES, I know people are hurt by words, I am
YES, I know that my tongue is like a sword -My mom would tell me this all the time
YES, I know I have slashed and wounded the strong and the weak.
YES, I did care
YES, I said I am sorry

BTW- Words have controlled ME for as long as I can remember. 

I am a reactor
I take things personal
I don't think before I speak
I am sensitive 

I literally have spent 27 years in a Marriage being defensive, insecure, believe the worst of what I deserve and it's the control of Words - that I couldn't control that hurt the most.

The CONTROL topic- is for a different post.

Words. create feelings. they create heartache, love, depression, anxiety, fear, faith, hope, and so many other feelings and emotions.

This blog is not going to have the answer to solve anyone's issues with words and how you distribute or contain them.

This is simply ME, fessing up to the MESS I have been in my use of Words and the way I have allowed other peoples words to control me.

This is simply a confession of change, writing down my goal to be better, to speak better, to choose better.

I am 51, and my days are numbered. And I really want to live what I preach.

Look for the Good in others
Give Grace 
See others' Hearts the Way God does
Give the Benefit of the doubt
Use my choice of Words Wisely
Do not throw my Pearls before Swine (this to me means, sit silent when I could really obliterate someone)

The above link is a Good talk and a good reminder of the different ways Words Matter.

It started at the beginning of the Creation. God sent his son so that I can repent so that I can try again so that I can recognize, desire, and drum up the faith to do better and be better.

The rest is up to you. 

I hope my family, my husband especially give me the grace I need, but more importantly, I am working on NOT allowing his words and other's words to CONTROL me. This is where I need help.

I am working on not being so sensitive and taking things so personally.

I am working on my confidence and my inner self. 

September is a great month to start anything. It's the beginning of a new season that takes us to the end of a chapter of life. 

Let's begin together!


Love you all,
Mama Sadie

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This last month has been something else... It has had me pondering much about myself, my progression, what I want out of life... And the sam...