Saturday, July 15, 2017

"My Life is a Gift"

My life is a gift; my life has a plan.
My life has a purpose; in heav’n it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
And seek for God’s light to direct me from birth.
I will follow God’s plan for me,
Holding fast to his word and his love.
I will work, and I will pray;
I will always walk in his way.
Then I will be happy on earth
And in my home above.

This song keeps playing & playing in my head the minute I start to miss my daughter.

You see, 24 hours ago Kyle & I dropped Kylee Renae Pulsipher off at the Missionary Training Center, also known as the MTC.

From the day Kylee was born I wanted her to go on a Mission. I mean, that's what I did & it worked well for me. I wanted my girls especially to have this experience because for girls it isn't the expectation that it is for the boys. And besides Who wants their daughter getting Married at 19. And so my logic seemed reasonable that serving a mission would accomplish two goals for me as her Mamacita. 

1: it would protect her for the next 18 months without any prospects of Marriage and 

2: she would get to be with the Lord 24 hours a day and really get to do something that required Sacrifice and giving of her self.

But what I didn't anticipate were the years of raising her... I didn't anticipate loving someone so deeply that I couldn't imagine life without her. I didn't anticipate the strength it would take to give her 100% into the Lord's hands.. I didn't anticipate my heart being so lost that I could hardly breathe... and I didn't anticipate the complete disguise that I would have to put on so that others couldn't see that I had just spent 10 minutes bawling because our favorite song came on...

But I also didn't anticipate the following comparisons and tender mercies that God gave me.. because as quickly as the "I didn't Anticipate" feelings came, just as quickly the "God's Tender Mercies" came.. for example:

Heavenly Father & Heavenly Mother gave their Only Begotten Son to Me & to You...

Heavenly Father set a Plan for You & I.

Heavenly Father Gave us a Purpose

Heavenly Father taught us Knee to Knee.

So the TRUTH is... I tell myself, Heavenly Father must really love me.. He must really Trust Me... He Must really have Faith in Me... and He Must really BELIEVE in Me...

Kylee will spend the next 18 months sacrificng everything she has to offer to serve the wonderful saints of Oklahoma City. And she will plant seeds of Faith and seeds of Hope and she will share the PLAN that Heavenly Father has laid out for us so that we may return to Live with Him.

May God bless all the Missionaries & their families and Thank you for all the love and support...

Peace & Blessings

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