Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sister Missionary!!

I'm writing a little bit sooner than a week and I hope you, my readers, don't mind. I find myself with a bit of time. The kids went with their dad to do some work tonight, participate in Tumbling & the reality is they enjoy their dads company.

But as many of you know I have a daughter out in the mission field and for those that don't know what that means in detail, my daughter Kylee Renae Pulsipher being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made a choice to be one of the 20,000 Sister missionaries in the world today. She submitted paperwork to Church Headquarters where the Prophet (we believe in living Prophets, like times of old) and his Apostles prayed for her and were inspired to send her to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for 18 months. Sister Missionaries serve for 18 months and the Elders are asked to serve 24 months. The Sisters can go when they are 19 and the Elders can go when they are 18 & graduated High School.

With that being said, I felt like maybe this was a good place to start with A Woman's Touch. Tonight as I was reading in a magazine I get called LDS Living a little bit of history popped out at me and I thought I'd share it with you:

Sister Missionary History: "As early as 1833, Lucy Smith, mother to Joseph Smith, helped teach some of her relatives about the gospel. Informal missionary activity like this usually involved converting family members, writing letters, and teaching lessons. In the 19th century, many couples served missions, and women helped provide for the physical needs of their husbands, but in 1865, Mildred Randall became the first woman to serve without her husband. In 1897, while on a mission with her husband Elizabeth McCune decried the false accusations anti-Mormons were writing. Her speeches were so effective that the mission president in England wrote to President Wilford Woodruff, suggesting the value of calling sister missionaries. In April 1898, the Church called the first set of single sister missionaries, Lucy Jane Brimhall and Amanda Inez Knight, who served for a total of 21 months. Today, more than 20,000 sister missionaries serve around the world. "

I LOVE THIS!!! A woman's touch isn't just in the home and it should never be bottled up. Women have an innate ability to Stand up and to Stand up for Righteousness. My daughter Kylee has become a beautiful Woman who is doing great things in the world today. She is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And every woman has this capability no matter your age, race or financial status to leave their TOUCH for Good on others. I hope as Women we are teaching the young girls around us to Look for the Good, to Love others & to Build others up. We Women have the ability to be a light in a World that can be so dark at times. 

May God be with you and May you allow Him to show you the beautiful Touch that you have to share with others. 

Peace & Blessings

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