Friday, June 21, 2019


Are you a Feminist or are you a Real Woman?

My opinion..I've been thinking a lot about society and OUR Role in Society.. I am an Everything kind of Woman.. but at the End of the day.. I just want to BE Real!!

A Real Woman loves being a Woman..
I love being a Woman. I love other Women. I love the love of women when a group of Women get together and bring harmony to other peoples lives. I love the Power Women have when there is a mission to help others. Women are amazing..

A Real Woman love their Real Man..
I love my Man. We fight, we kiss, we makeup, we fight some more.. we yell.. we hug.. we snuggle.. we respect each others opinions even if it takes a lot of yelling.. we are passionate about our individual opinions.. we agree to disagree.. we see our uniqueness & we see each others strengthens & sometimes step on each others weaknesses..

A Real Woman can be STRONG..
I love when a Real Woman is strong enough to stand up to a Man but Humble enough to admit when SHE is wrong.. (Yes, this does happen)..Be STRONG.. NOT Stubborn..

A Real Woman ARE  Amazing Partners ( I know, because I am One)..

  • If you want something done, ask a busy person.
  • If you want anything done, ask a busy Man
  • If you want work well done, ask a busy Woman

A Real Woman Contributes to Society..

Real Women Run Households.. Companies.. Corporations.. Schools.. & Do it with Class
Real Women have ZERO expectations.. except from themselves
Real Women accept Help when offered
Real Women HUG
Real Women Reach Out
Real Women Nurture (Everyone)
Real Women Support their Husbands

A Real Woman Will Raise their Children with Passion, Desire, Strength & a Tender heart...

The fine print of this blog is this... I am a capable woman who tries to keep things real in my life and in my home and with myself. I pick up after my husband & kids... I work along side my husband & my kids... I try to provide the support they all need to be successful and this is ME!!

The old saying, "If you can't beat 'em, join em'!!" isn't such a bad way to live. I spent many years fighting against my husband and fighting for WHAT I believed was my right & entitlements as a Woman.. But at the End of the day & with Many Prayers to my Heavenly Father... I have become REAL through Service and accepted the "Love your Neighbor as yourself." My husband would call it the Push/ Pull effect...

So to keep it Real.. I stopped nagging & started serving... I stopped complaining & started working...

As my Husband would say... WOMAN!! Go Be YOU!! Find you but don't leave behind the ones that want you to be happy the most.. (at least I hope you have that in your life)..

Peace & Blessings

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