Saturday, December 17, 2016


I want to Really create my blogging with my life as a Real MOM who has Real Struggles & Who has relied on God for everthing. And my hope is as I write about my son Willie that other Mom's who have children with Special Needs can find hope and PEACE in THEIR own journey. This is WILLIAM SCOTT PULSIPHER. He is a Senior this year and he is loving every minute of it. He has always LOVED school. But the Last two years have been especially special. Many Mom's & Dad's in my shoes face the struggle of INCLUSION. And sometimes we or I should say, I give up the fight and I just let the system RUN. It doesn't make life easier it just makes it a little less painful. But just sometimes People come into your Kids lives and it Changes your World. There are TWO MEN who have changed my son's LIFE & Mostly mine FOREVER!! And they don't seek credit, they don't seek honor or attention. They simply are Men of Good Faith & Good HEART. Coach Dallas Lowry has always taken to Willie and last year I approached him about Wrestling and he is a very LOUD Man, & he didn't even Hesitate. Now some of you who don't know or understand, the last thing I want to be is a burden. And I use Burden with a very light heart. Don't miss read me... Willie is not a burden to me or to anyone... But the reality is, is I don't want anyone to ever feel like they have to do something nice just because my son has Special Needs. And all of us Mom's know that sense of hesitation someone gives when you are asking a FAVOR!! NOT Dallas.. He said, "Heck ya bring 'ole Wills". 
I was so excited. I went home and cried tears of thanks to my Heavenly Father for sending an Angel into my life but into my Son's Life. Willie gives 100%. He runs, he tries hard, and he has so much respect for his Coaches. The first Year I will tell you that it wasn't all Peaches & Cream. I didn't send him on the bus or the Away Games. I was worried he would get lost (Willie just leaves sometimes) and I didn't want that "Burden" for everyone else. But this year... Kyle & I committed to making his Senior the best ever. And Willie is Riding the BUS. Kyle meets them up there but it has been so good for our family & mostly Wills!!

I saw this Wrestling match via video because I have 5 other kids that are involved in more then the 24 hours I have in a Day! But this Young Man in Richfield was so "CLASSY". He let Willie win & the crowd was cheering and he let Willie really wrestle. He didn't just lay down. And it is so cool to see these young Men come together and support my Son.

I Believe as Parents of children with Special Needs who are capable of more, let them BE More. Find the courage to reach out and Believe in Yourself. It was hard for me because I don't want to be Rejected... But that's part of growth and part of learning.

I am so grateful for people in our community that try hard to include our "Special" kids.

Willie came home & told me all about his moves and his win. THANK YOU! THANK YOU for believing in my son and taking time to teach him and to allow him to be apart of something MORE.

Peace & Blessings

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