A few days ago the missionaries came by our home... they like to come by my home because I always make them cookies and we are a safe place to end their day... I know that when they stop by they must have some exciting news or they had a challenging week... this week was a little different, this week they wanted to ASK us..
"How has the First Vision affected your Lives?"
As I pondered this question... my mind flooded with all the many experiences I have been able to have, all because a YOUNG Joseph Smith asked a question... "Which of these churches are true?"
He was just like me... searching for answers... seeking truth... pondering God... wanting to learn... He did NOT want to be a FOLLOWER!!! He didn't want to join his mom's church just because His mom went there... He questioned... and then acted...
In His own Words...
I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true . . . . I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation. (Joseph Smith—History 1:25.)
The Scripture James 1:5... "If any of you Lack Wisdom Let him ask of God"
He took this seriously... he asked...and How did this affect ME... How Did Joseph Smiths first vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ affect me...Let me count the ways...- Because of Joseph Smith and the First Vision.. I was able to come to parents who were seeking the same thing as Young Joseph.. my mom was looking for a church... she was looking for the TRUE church... and a young girl raised in Las Vegas, Nevada headed to Cedar City, Utah to become a PE Teacher met a friend who was a member of the church and the rest is history...
- My dad then married my mom... he himself NOT a member of the church, later came to find out for himself that the Church of Jesus Christ was true...
- Because of the church and the ministering program a member of my ward took the time to share his testimony of WHY he joined the church and How he himself inquired of the Lord to know what church was true...
- Because of this gentlemen my heart was touched by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit, the Light of Christ, I felt it in my Gut, whatever you want to call it and I knew... I knew then that I needed to serve a mission... I knew I needed to take the Truth I know and I knew I needed to share it with others...
- Because of that decision and because I believe in Living Prophets, I was sent to Uruguay Montevideo... and It was there I knew that the Plan of Happiness was real... It was then it sealed my knowledge about the life before we came to earth... it was then that I knew I knew these people...
- Because of the desire to serve a mission I came home and married a wonderful Man who honors his Priesthood and served a mission as well and we were sealed in the Las Vegas Temple
- Because of that we had 6 children... Our oldest served a mission and married in the Temple, we currently have a daughter who is about to receive her mission call as well.
The list goes on and on and on... ALL because a YOUNG boy CHOSE to ASK... he exercised his FREE agency... NO Fear... ALL IN... and Young Joseph asked... Heavenly Father what church is TRUE!!
I am not saying I have not had trials... I am not saying I have had it easy... and I am not saying the people are perfect because I have had plenty of opportunities to be offended.. LOL but what I am saying is I Know... I haven't seen God, I haven't seen Jesus and I don't need to... I know because of the Holy Ghost... I know because I was born with the Light of Christ (WE all were)... and I know that YOU can know..
I question... I think... I provoke... I inspire... I encourage... I push the limits... and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is were I belong... I know because of my desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ... I desire to try everyday, everyday, everyday, so I go to church every week, every week, every week... and the beautiful thing is...
" It mattereth not whether the principle is popular or unpopular, I will always maintain a true principle, even if I stand alone in it." -Joseph Smith
I honor Joseph Smith... I honor his courage... his strength... his maturity... his consideration...
I hope that you will take the time to read the first vision again... and ponder what has it meant to you...and if you haven't read it, please go to lds.org and search Joseph Smith's first Vision... We are sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who is our God and we are his children...
Love you all,
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