Which of these 4 people are you?
Kyle dirtbikes whenever he wants... time... place... day... it doesn't matter... He comes and goes as he pleases... He works as hard as he wants and he works as little as he wants... My mom will always say, "Whatcha doing kyle" and he always says, "Oh you know just playing" :)
This wasn't ALWAYS the case... and I would even say... HE would NEVER say HE has arrived... but the ELEPHANT in the room is...
My kids get asked this ALL the time... infact, they hate being asked this... Kyle makes life seem so fun and simple that it's hard not to wonder HOW does he do it?
I get asked this ALL the time...
Kyle gets asked this ALL the time...
But his response is the BEST... "I work for her, I am just the JANITOR"
To some degree it is true... BUT if YOU knew HOW important the role of a JANITOR is YOU would be saying THANK YOU!! And in the line of work, Kyle and I are in... HIS ROLE is the MOST important...
But he plays a lot... he rides DIRT BIKES A LOT... and I MEAN A LOT!!!
Today one of his riding buddies asked me what does he do... because Kyle always wants to go riding...
I replied... YOU mean which quadrant is KYLE in...
DO you know what a quadrant is... Robert Kiyosaki has a book called "The Cashflow Quadrant".. Ammon is reading this book right now... and Ammon will constantly remind me that I am only Self-Employed... lol
SO which are you?
Kyle & I are in the self-employed quadrant... YES, we own a Business but we could NEVER leave our business for a YEAR without losing everything... so we are MARRIED to it... Every day we have to be there to make sure it is running the way our system is set up... every day we have to check on it and make the deposits... Everyday Everyday Everyday...
THE GOAL is to get to the B & I quadrant...
So which are YOU and Which one do YOU want to BE?
YOU can be anything you want... The world needs every one of these quadrants... but we have the same amount of time in a day as everyone else...
So what sets us APART... RISK... We take the RISK... don't say there is NO FEAR... because there is FEAR... but We CHOOSE to Clear the FOG and JUMP... WE choose ... and because WE Choose... Kyle can go Dirt Bike riding with his son everyday everyday everyday... if HE chooses to...
This LIFE is a TEST... This LIFE is a GIFT... This LIFE is a CHOICE...
We are choosing to MOVE toward the BUSINESS & INVESTOR quadrants but YOU have to start somewhere... I LOVE Network Marketing companies for this very reason... Because it is the only type of company that allows you to keep your day job, without taking a REAL RISK and it allows you to do it in baby steps...
SO my message to ALL you Employees... We are grateful to you... We thank you... and We appreciate you... We Need YOU... but just know YOU are building Someone Else's Dreams when YOU should be Building YOURS...
If you are looking for a wonderful opportunity Email me... or find a friend who has invited you to look at their business opportunity... Because BELIEVE ME when I say... I am BLESSED to know my husband and I myself can be with each other and our kids ANYTIME we want... ALL because the REWARD outways the RISK...
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