Sunday, October 10, 2021


Over & Over Again I get off course... Over and Over Again I have to repent... and Over and Over Again I am reminded of my DIVINITY!! Not the WHITE stuff YOU eat... that is Nasty... 

I'll get into YOUR divinity in a Minute... BUT I am reminded Over and Over again that this life is something WE chose...

I attend a class called Relief Society in my church and every other week I am filled. Sometimes my spiritual bucket is filled and sometimes I am reminded how far I have come.

I often listen to women who are navigating a path that is difficult beyond belief... and often I hear words of Gratitude for others... but more times than not I hear that they don't know their worth... that it is hard to LOVE themselves... it's hard to forgive themselves... WHY... WHY is it so hard!!

Don't get me wrong I am not saying this isn't at times HARD for ME... I mean just the other day I found myself in a circumstance that left me so hopeless and in a state of Longing to go home... (I wouldn't call it suicide) I wanted more than anything to just be done. But I find myself on my knees pleading with DEITY, GOD, MY Father in Heaven and begging him for understanding... for forgiveness for thinking this way, for denying the Saviour a chance to heal me...

BUT SISTERS, WHY do we allow SATAN to get in our heads... 

Do you know what I believe?

I BELIEVE... YOU are DIVINE... YOU are DIVINITY (a divine being that is becoming like God & YOU are an ANGEL)

I BELIEVE... YOU have to BE GRATEFUL... Being grateful (in time.. pride gets in the way) in your journey obliterates ALL your pain... LOOK around YOU... Do you have FOOD... Do you have Clothing... Do you have a roof over your head (a trailer counts-been there)... Do you have Health... Do you have opportunities... BE GRATEFUL!!

I BELIEVE... YOU have to submit YOUR WILL to a Higher Power... whatever that looks like to YOU... For me, it is MY Father n Heaven... I believe in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ... 

I BELIEVE... YOU need POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE... This is hard... not going to LIE... sometimes my husband provokes or my kids' fight... or I am not in the mood to get along... and it takes the PMA right out of my DAY!! BUT recognize... and be quick... Change is the only thing constant in life... besides the North Star... Read a good book... turn your IDGAS light switch off... do know what that stands for... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT... YES, I swore... and I mean it... I don't give a shit... I am working on my MIND over EMOTION... I don't want to be that emotional Bitch that takes every little damn thing personally... I want to be strong mentally... I am navigating the coming off HARD vs. PASSIONATE... I AM A WORK IN PROGRESS... 

I BELIEVE... YOU can & it's a requirement to LOVE YOU... there is no negotiating this... Saying I am a badASS boss babe doesn't make you prideful... infact when I hear women say... I am AWESOME... I'm like HELL YA you are... Loving yourself doesn't mean... PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN... it's the opposite... It doesn't mean you are better than someone else... LOVING YOU... MEANS JUST THAT... LOVE YOU... YOU are KIND... YOU are SMART... YOU are IMPORTANT... YOU are CONFIDENT... I'll be honest... if you are insecure and play a victim or say mean things about yourself in front of me... WE will NOT be FRIENDS... I don't have time to FIX YOU... Besides, it's not MY JOB... JUST LOVE YOU... & BE FREAKING GRATEFUL... Trust me... there is a lot worse out there... and if you feel your's is the worst.. you are probably right...

OVER & OVER AGAIN!!! I get pulled back into this BLOGGING... I don't have a huge following... I am not looking for that... It is here for me and if it excites you or gives you insight and makes you feel better about yourself... then I have WON... I am not good at sugar coating things... Straight Whisky is what you get from Me... BUT YOU must KNOW...


YOU are HIS...

YOU have a PURPOSE...

YOU have a PLAN...

Now get it, GIRL... 

A small disclosure: This isn't going to make the hard times go away... This isn't going to make the bad thoughts about yourself disappear... BUT what it can do... is help you react quicker to Satan's plan... he is deceitful... he is negative... he is ALL things BAD... and HE comes after YOUR heart first and then HE lets' you bleed out on others ( I know because I've experienced it).... so create a PRAYER room... create time for MEDITATION (start small amounts of time)... START a ROUTINE... Get up earlier and spend that time with GOD... 

This is REAL PEOPLE!! Our days are numbered... not just our time on Earth but He's coming... Jesus Christ is coming and he wants WOMEN who BELIEVE in themselves... He wants WOMEN who Love themselves... Don't be the 5 virgins who don't love themselves... they weren't prepared... HE wants women who have FAITH in him & Believe in themselves... WHO aren't afraid to pull their head out and GO & DO!!

For those that have been baptized and born again... YOU already know the healing process. HE isn't coming to heal you a second time... He's coming to BRING Peace to cleanse the Earth... YOU know how to be Healed... YOU know how to be forgiven... HE is ALWAYS, ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU... YOU KNOW!! LOVE YOU enough to KNOW you KNOW!!..

Psalm 139:8 "If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there"... 


I'll be praying for YOU... I'll be praying for ME... 

Don't Hesitate to Maximize YOU EVERYDAY!! 


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