I have BEEN doing a lot of THINKING... and for some (my family) that can NOT be good. LOL... But I wanted to SHARE what we have been discussing over the course of a few weeks with my 5 AM Serious GROUP...
FIRST... these ladies & GENT are COMMITTED... they WAKE up... they WALK over... WHEN it is cold and they are INTENTIONAL in their DEDICATION...
SECOND... they SHARE... they INSPIRE ME... they have QUESTIONS...
The First week was AWESOME... as WE dived in to the CREATIVE part... There is CREATIVITY in ALL of US... it's PART of OUR DNA... GOD CREATED us... I am just going to say it... I can't be ME without GOD... HE is my FATHER in HEAVEN... so grateful & blessed to know this...
But with that CREATION comes RESPONSIBILITY... We were created for something, for someone but we were also meant to CREATE... we must have VISION and have clarity... we can do this everyday by CONTROLLING our MINDS... being INTUNE with the THOUGHTS that pass through us and go around us...
CREATION=BUILDING... we are BUILDERS... whether it is BUILDING something in a physical state or whether it is in a spiritual state... WE are MEANT to do GREAT things with the life we are given... even if-HERE is the catch... EVEN if it is NEVER noticed or measured by the WORLD's STANDARDS...
Embrace Opportunities... When YOU release the THOUGHTS... OPPORTUNITIES are everywhere... the UNIVERSE will Manifest it's self to YOU.. YOU will begin to have EYES that OPEN. YOU will BE AWAKE...
ACTION... FAST... FAST... FAST... when this all comes together YOU MUST take ACTION & GO... RUN TO not FROM... the FEAR you feel in your GUT you will need to decide and discern that FEAR but, if it is because YOU fear the failure or you fear what might happen or you fear knowing NOTHING in that moment can hurt you and it's just FEAR... YOU have to LEAP towards it... YOU have to have COURAGE to CREATE...
BUT let's keep it simple... there is a philosophy of MAKING your BED... IF you will just make your BED and start there, because YOU don't know where to start... YOU will start creating habits... tiny WINS...
So start there...
I started making my bed because I needed that WIN... FUN FACT!!
I struggle with my thoughts... I struggle keeping myself in a place of LOVE... and I struggle with feeling WORTHY everyday...
BUT I know where those thoughts come from... I know they are NOT of MY creator, GOD... I know this and because I do it helps me QUICKLY SHIFT my thoughts...
to KEEP MY life simple... I look at the moment... I make MY bed and HIGH 5 myself... when I accomplish the goal and set smaller targets to hit that goal... I HIGH 5 myself.
TARGET down your goals... SET REALLY big GOALS and TARGETS... then SIMPLIFY them... BUT they have to be SO BIG they SCARE YOU...
ONE of MY Goals this YEAR that is REALLY BIG... is to ATTEND an ELENA CARDONE Empire CONFERENCE... this may not SEEM BIG to some... BUT to hit this GOAL... I need a FINANCIAL GOAL and an EDUCATIONAL GOAL...
I need to GET my REAL Estate LICENSE and the ticket I want to buy is $2500 a person... that doesn't include Airfare or Hotel and food...
THIS GOAL scares me because I have set me my 2023 goal to go to 2 events this year...
DO you see my point... SETTING a BIG GOAL that makes my stomach churn (FEAR of FAILURE) and then setting little goals that almost make me feel like I can't do it... because honestly I already failed the real estate exam 3 times in 2001...
SO this is HARD... BUT I am creating SMALL TARGETS to MEET my BIG TARGET... and I am so EXCITED that that does feel SCARY...
Create.. NON-Negotiables... BELIEVE YOU can ACHIEVE... SHIFT your THOUGHTS... HAVE a DESIRE... and REACH UP... KNEEL down... & SET the INTENTION and DESIRE...
Love to you all...
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