Tuesday, June 20, 2023

6 MONTHS in...

I am SO out of practice it feels like. 

Imposter syndrome has really kicked in... I feel like my writing skills have tapped out. I am out of ideas, expressions, theatrical moves and I just want to crawl in a hole and wait until it's over.

Have YOU ever felt like this? I don't know what I am suppose to cut out, add to or even drowned. I nominated this year as the YEAR of Growth and as I was in my Maximize YOU group on Facebook these words came right out of my fingers...

Growth slows you down...

Growth demands thinking...

Growth picks you apart & rebuilds...

I am ready for this YEAR to be over... My social media feed is full of self-awareness... and I am pretty sure I am done with looking inward and growing...

YOU all DO know I write this out loud for ME... It's the only way I can get in and out of my own head.

You become part of this vicious cycle of Growth... Why do you read it... Why do we read anything people post... Why do we "stalk" people or follow them on Social Media... SO WE can FEEL better about ourselves...

BUT then as I start to feel my heart rate drop (yes while I write)… my mind begins to soften... it begins to feel restful... writing calms my soul and I think I am just recognizing this..

Maybe there is something to be said for "Writing your Gratefuls"... 

Maybe there is something to be said for allowing your thoughts to take on a creative form...

6 MONTHS in I am...

6 Months more to go...

You GROW through what you GO through...

Never stop growing...

Never stop...

Maximizing YOU Everyday...

#maximizeyoueverday #peaceandblessings #growth #realhousewifesu #10X #stayhard #rebuild #moretocome

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