Monday, September 2, 2024


This last month has been something else... It has had me pondering much about myself, my progression, what I want out of life... And the same thing keeps coming back and showing up in my space. 


Life sucks sometimes. Why am I... 51 years old and I am just barely taking the time to even care and even process this? 

I feel so dumb that this is even a topic that I am reviewing. 

YES, I know words matter
YES, I know people are hurt by words, I am
YES, I know that my tongue is like a sword -My mom would tell me this all the time
YES, I know I have slashed and wounded the strong and the weak.
YES, I did care
YES, I said I am sorry

BTW- Words have controlled ME for as long as I can remember. 

I am a reactor
I take things personal
I don't think before I speak
I am sensitive 

I literally have spent 27 years in a Marriage being defensive, insecure, believe the worst of what I deserve and it's the control of Words - that I couldn't control that hurt the most.

The CONTROL topic- is for a different post.

Words. create feelings. they create heartache, love, depression, anxiety, fear, faith, hope, and so many other feelings and emotions.

This blog is not going to have the answer to solve anyone's issues with words and how you distribute or contain them.

This is simply ME, fessing up to the MESS I have been in my use of Words and the way I have allowed other peoples words to control me.

This is simply a confession of change, writing down my goal to be better, to speak better, to choose better.

I am 51, and my days are numbered. And I really want to live what I preach.

Look for the Good in others
Give Grace 
See others' Hearts the Way God does
Give the Benefit of the doubt
Use my choice of Words Wisely
Do not throw my Pearls before Swine (this to me means, sit silent when I could really obliterate someone)

The above link is a Good talk and a good reminder of the different ways Words Matter.

It started at the beginning of the Creation. God sent his son so that I can repent so that I can try again so that I can recognize, desire, and drum up the faith to do better and be better.

The rest is up to you. 

I hope my family, my husband especially give me the grace I need, but more importantly, I am working on NOT allowing his words and other's words to CONTROL me. This is where I need help.

I am working on not being so sensitive and taking things so personally.

I am working on my confidence and my inner self. 

September is a great month to start anything. It's the beginning of a new season that takes us to the end of a chapter of life. 

Let's begin together!


Love you all,
Mama Sadie

Monday, July 29, 2024

I didn't PLAN for this!


Anyone that knows me, knows I have to have a plan.. it's been instilled in me since I was a little girl.. What's your plan, sadie lee? It has been passed down to my children.. Gotta have a Plan... I don't even care if the plan doesn't work... you start the creative juices of Life.. It always Brainstorming... allowing your Nuerons to move and reconfigure... 

God has a Plan... Shouldn't WE, since we are trying to become like him... God always helps me navigate my plan... I want him at the Helm of my Plan just in case it doesn't work out the way I saw it.. I know and have Faith that HE sees it and He knows best... Father really does know best...

Willie Scott is now 25 years old... He has down syndrome, one arm and probably has more dreams and goals then most of us "typical" folk... the only down side is, how do we execute those dreams and goals for Willie... 

It's taken me a few long days to be able to sit down and write another chapter in Willie's life... 

He's always been in my home... 
He brings us joy and sadness, fun and fear but all in all Willie is Willie... 
He drinks his Bucked up every morning, just like someone drinks their morning coffee..

First thing in the morning Willie would come down stairs and crack open a Bucked up... it was always a different flavor but nonetheless, Willie does Willie... He dresses himself, he actually puts the belt through the belt loops first before he puts his pants on because he only has one hand so that makes it easier for him to NOT miss any loops... He takes out the trash, he gets the mail... He is very competent... the only thing Willie hasn't been able to do is Serve a mission. 

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, all young men of the age of 18 are asked to give up 2 years of their life plans and goals to serve.  Willie has had his sisters serve missions... His friends have all gone on missions and now Willie is 25... 

What's the Plan mom?

Willie's sister Ella was dating a guy named Jarom... Jarom was turning 18 and getting ready to submit his papers... Willie knew what this meant.. He knew he was losing another friend to a Mission, HE could never serve... Willie isn't "normal" He doesn't identify (haha) as special needs.. He can and will show you, he can do anything like everyone else.. So he didn't want to do a "service mission" and stay home. He wanted to be called to another place... He wanted to move out of the house like every other "typical" young man does when he is called to serve a mission..

FAST FORWARD... on July 2nd at 5am Elder Jarom Wilkins said goodbye to Willie for 2 years to serve the people of Monrovia, West Africa... this was hard for Willie... His Best Friend... His Brother...

On July 4th Kyle took Willie to Alamo, NV.

BACK UP... Kyle has a cousin named David... and Kara (his wife) and we have been good friends/family for 28 years... Kyle grew up with David and when Kara and I were pregnant with babies at the same time, she was pregnant with Richard and I was pregnant with Willie, Kara found out that her baby could have down syndrome... and I remember saying to Kyle (we lived across the street from each other) well, we could have a baby with one arm and down syndrome... 

As the years passed and our paths took us further and further apart from each other, Kara and I still remained close.. David and Kyle did as well. Our families would see each other at family gatherings, dirtbike rides, road trips etc.

David would talk with Willie and they would tease each other about when they were going to share a beer together or kiss girls... Willie was very comfortable with David and Kara's family.

But when Jarom left, I believe Willie's whole world (that's I didn't plan for) came crashing down. Willie packed his bags and said, I'm going to Alamo, NV on my mission. 

Apparantly, Willie had called David one year for his birthday and Willie told David that he was coming to Alamo to serve his mission.

REAL TIME... on July 2nd Kyle texted David and said, Willie wants to come to Alamo to serve a mission... Kyle not thinking anything of it except to use it as an opportunity to talk to David and catch up... shortly after david texted Kyle... a TEXT that will forever change Willie's life and change mine...

YOU need to know... I have always settled in that Willie will be my forever Blessing... so what I am about to share with you was not in MY PLAN for Willie... I wasn't prepared for what was to come next... and I wasn't prepared for all the feelings and emotions that come with a situation like this... The lonliness, the joy, the gratitude, the helplessness, the humility, the sacrifice others would make, I just didn't plan for this...

On JULY 2nd... David texts Kyle... (I hope he's okay with me sharing it)

"Can you share with Sadie that I'm not a spiritual person but I felt something when Willie first told me he would servce his mission Alamo years ago... This year when Willie called me to tell me it was his birthday, something weighed on me to invite him to come stay with us and I didn't because I didn't know how you guys would feel about it. I have hardly been able to breathe today since you texted me because I am so overwhelmed by the feeling that it's my responsibility to facilitate a mission that Willie has been called to serve in his own unconventional way. it would be our honor to host him until he is done with that mission however long it is even if he needs to go back and forth until he feels his mission is completed. Kara and I are in 100% agreement."

WOW!! The flood of tears and emotion that consumed me that day. Even as I read it again, I think WOW!! I compare it to the Atonement of Christ... Someone would actually do this for MY son... someone would actually open their home, sacrifice and share their lives with him in a way that Willie needs... I had to Give it to God and just say, Thank You. xo 

I think maybe that day that Kara thought she was having a baby with downs she just didn't know He would be 25 and she would become that "mission mom" that Willie needed..

I have always loved and felt loved by the Lewis and Leavitt family... Kyle has a beautiful heritage and that is ONE of the many things that drew me to him... The posterity... the number of cousins... the laughter and names they had for each other...

TO KARA and DAVID... I can't  repay you for the opportunity you have given Willie and our family... I will forever be indebted to you... the sacrifice... your generosity and your unconditional love that you have always shown OUR family... We love you and there won't be enough paper or words to express the feelings of a Mother's heart that just wanted her son to have the Best adventure in life... and YOU are apart of the PLAN... YOU are apart of the plan that I didn't even plan for... THANK YOU!! xo

Now you can see... GOD's plan is very individual... I couldn't plan this for Willie... Willie and God clearly were working together and God always works through his sons and daughters...

We all have a plan and sometimes... YOU just don't get to PLAN IT!!

His mission is going well... Willie calls me to "check up" on me.. I say, you ready to come home... He says, When Jarom does... I do believe Willie is in it for the long haul... I am proud of him... He has shot rabbits, gone fishing, had awesome P-days and he's even gone on splits... Willi'es mission is Willie's... David nailed it when he said... "unconventional".. Tru dat!!

May you all be strengthened by God and follow the feelings you are prompted to move with... YOU never know whose life you are changing for the Better Good of Humanity..

Much love,
Maximize YOU Everyday
Sadie Lee

Wednesday, January 24, 2024



It's BORN!! The Dream, the Idea, the INTENTION is HERE! I sometimes wondered WHY it has taken me SO SO long, and WHY it MAY continue to take me SO SO long... but this is what I KNOW...

TIME = Experience
TIME = Knowledge
TIME = Creation

It was ALL about TIME... Everything worth doing Takes TIME... I remember being told a story that it takes roughly 95 weeks or 640-660 days for a BABY Elephant to be Born... that is 3X's the amount of Time for a Human Being and they Live to be about the Same age... roughly 60-70 years...

I am a mom of 6 beautiful babies... I put on and took off roughly 300 pounds... I was pregnant for 60 months & nursed all 6 babies for about 50 months... YES!! I kept track... I was proud of myself for nurturing my babies the way God had Blessed me with... (my mom could not nurse-so it was a privilege for me to do that)... 

Maximize YOU began with an Idea about 15+ years ago... I remember asking one of my therapists... WHY is this taking me this long... WHY am I not able to just do this and help others and live the Passion that resides in MY heart so deeply... HER only REPLY was... IT wasn't TIME!!

Over those 15+ years I raised my kids with my Husband... It was far from perfect... 
Over those 15+ years I was a mom, coach, nurturer, business owner, friend, disciplinarian etc...
Over those 15+ years I served, worked, fought, struggled, cried, and demanded more from myself...

God's Timing is Precious... it is Purposeful... & it is Perfect...

I like to Thank my "other-self" for staying TRUE to God's Timing... Many times I wanted to quit and question WHY am I doing this... I wanted to Stop and Live a different Life in Purpose... BUT here I am... Launching a Podcast (which I started 4 years ago)... Launching my Website (which I started Sept 2023)... The Timing is Not mine... and No matter HOW SLOW I GO... or HOW FAST... 

I am Giving to GOD!

Yes!! I wanted to understand why my "other self" was so pushy to do this...
Yes!! I wanted to know why my "other self" couldn't let go of this...
Yes!! I wanted to know why my "other self" seemed so self-centered in this project...

All I KNOW is What I KNOW!!

Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations' Dueteronomy 7:9

Maximize YOU Everyday is a quest to know and love your higher self... It is a daily reminder that YOU can do Hard things... YOU have to and YOU will... 

Maximize YOU Everyday is a way to connect on a more Celestial and Deeper level with Human Beings who are seeking the same...

Maximize YOU Everyday is meant for those who need to know they are not alone, that the power YOU  hold is tangible... 

 Maximizing YOU Everyday is a GIFT GOD himself GAVE YOU... & the BEST part... 

It is to Be Shared... to Be Supported... & to Be Served...

I am SO Scared of this Next Chapter in MY life... but I know that if I am not scared then I am not doing it Right...

This Year has been branded the YEAR of INTENTION!! Please join me in creating and Maximizing YOU this YEAR with Intention... the Intention to give back to YOU in a way that Benefit ALL those around YOU...

Love to you ALL...
Sadie Lee xoxo

Thursday, July 20, 2023


There is a beautiful song!! The Chorus goes like this... 

But more than anything, more than anything

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it toYour dreams stay big, your worries stay smallYou never need to carry more than you can holdAnd while you're out there getting where you're getting toI hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too
Yeah, this, is my wish
The last few months have come to this... come to this very thing.. MY WISH.. My wish, for you, is that life is hard.. My wish for you, is that your dreams are so big they scare you... My wish for you to DO uncomfortable things everyday... DO the HARD... MAYBE even create it... not to make Life miserable but to test your faith... your physical ability... your mental capacity... 
LIFE is hard... YOU don't know left field from Right field... YOU have Greatness inside YOU and you can't get there living life EASY... My wish for you is to give Grace because YOU are given Grace... My wish for you is to suck it up... My wish for YOU is to be thankful to your parents (good or bad) for giving YOU life... NOW go CREATE your life... NOT their fault because YOU couldn't live up to your potential... NOT their fault because YOU couldn't pull your head out...
EVERYONE comes to earth with the same opportunities... My wish for you is to Look for the GOOD... My wish for you is to give 100 percent plus 1 when you don't think you can dig anymore... My wish for you is to reach out beyond YOU...
My experiences have never gotten easier... they've gotten hard... because the older we get the more we expect of ourselves... I don't want easy... when my brain shuts off at that 40%... deep down I know I have 60% more in me... 
My wish for you will always be to LOOK UP...
My wish for you will always be to LOOK up to GOD...
My wish for you will always be to TRUST that GOD knows better...
My wish for you will always be to BE a better Version of YOU Tomorrow...
My wish for you will always be to TAKE the road less traveled...
My wish for you will always be to TRUST your GUT...
My wish for you will always KNOW... that I LOVE YOU!!
My wish for you will always be to MAXIMIZE YOU EVERYDAY... xo

#realhousewifesu #maximizeyoueveryday #teamsadie #sadieshow #mywish #reallife #motomom #ohanaracing #wildmustangs #lookup

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

6 MONTHS in...

I am SO out of practice it feels like. 

Imposter syndrome has really kicked in... I feel like my writing skills have tapped out. I am out of ideas, expressions, theatrical moves and I just want to crawl in a hole and wait until it's over.

Have YOU ever felt like this? I don't know what I am suppose to cut out, add to or even drowned. I nominated this year as the YEAR of Growth and as I was in my Maximize YOU group on Facebook these words came right out of my fingers...

Growth slows you down...

Growth demands thinking...

Growth picks you apart & rebuilds...

I am ready for this YEAR to be over... My social media feed is full of self-awareness... and I am pretty sure I am done with looking inward and growing...

YOU all DO know I write this out loud for ME... It's the only way I can get in and out of my own head.

You become part of this vicious cycle of Growth... Why do you read it... Why do we read anything people post... Why do we "stalk" people or follow them on Social Media... SO WE can FEEL better about ourselves...

BUT then as I start to feel my heart rate drop (yes while I write)… my mind begins to soften... it begins to feel restful... writing calms my soul and I think I am just recognizing this..

Maybe there is something to be said for "Writing your Gratefuls"... 

Maybe there is something to be said for allowing your thoughts to take on a creative form...

6 MONTHS in I am...

6 Months more to go...

You GROW through what you GO through...

Never stop growing...

Never stop...

Maximizing YOU Everyday...

#maximizeyoueverday #peaceandblessings #growth #realhousewifesu #10X #stayhard #rebuild #moretocome

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 I have genuinely been trying to keep up on the blog and journal the things I have been learning... THIS blog is public and although so much happens PRIVATELY... I still believe there is a WAY to communicate information in a way withOUT "Calling OUT" or even bein fake.

I have LEARNED so MANY lessons in MY life... I write this ONE and dedicate this POST to my MOM... I have a GREAT MOM... My mom is Exactly what and who I needed in MY life... 

DID I always feel that way... NO... No one does... I think WE all go through phases of LIFE and WE all TRY to discern, decipher, dig, and find out WHO we are... BUT being in a FAMILY is such a funny thing... GOD really put us with "random" people to be "randomly" observed, taught, picked on, served, taunted, teased, built up, etc... ONLY to realize 50 YEARS later WHAT that all meant...

LET me explain... 

In your 20's YOU think YOU know everything... You ask your mom for advice, but she's wrong... YOU only ask because she holds the title to MOM and YOU think that's the right thing to do... YOU also think YOU don't need help so you don't ask for help. YOU stop talking to your mom because "What does she know... nothing... BUT because she's your MOM you try to keep her in the loop although you really don't want her in the loop and you really don't know what the boundary is to have with your mom... YOU are trying to figure it out.. YOUR mom has already been there so she gives you space, takes your shit, opens her cupboards, doors and her heart to whatever it is you need. YOU are right and she is wrong... and that is okay... WHY... BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU...

In your 30's, maybe your married with a few kids of your own... life is hard... balancing juggling, and you still call MOM... MOM means something a little more... Questions are asked... your now curious how did MOM do it... I mean she worked 2 jobs, coached your softball/baseball teams, drove you to tap, volleyball, made dinner, stayed up late to talk trash about the game that just happened because you made an awesome catch at home plate, even though she made you play when you had the chicken pox... and still had to be a WIFE and keep her sanity...  MOM kept it going. 

In your 40's... MOM is getting older, has a few health issues, still runs her mouth so you know she's okay. YOU start to see her grey hair, and you start to see her and your dad really be a married couple that you never saw before because YOU were the kid... You ask MOM, was I like this, man MOM I am sorry I gave you so much trouble.. MOM answers, you were never trouble... YOU were figuring it out like me... Mom assures you that YOU are living life... MOM reminds you to stay close to GOD and his son Jesus Christ... MOM is MOM... 

NOW the YEAR YOU turn 50... MOM is now 77... YOUR own kids going through their hard times... there 20's and YOU realize... MAN MOM... THANK YOU... THANK you for working so hard... THANK you for not giving up on dad when I wanted you too.. THANK you for never listening to me when I made NO sense and THANK YOU for loving ME for ME..and MOM how did you do it... How did you survive the Broken hearts, the hard times.. MOM just replies... YOU just do...

There is never a question in my mind that life CAN be that simple... Mom's JUST DO... So to all the mom's out there wondering how to survive the GOOD the BAD and the UGLY... YOU just do... 

I would recommend eliminating the social media... the victim posts that try to relate to feelings... JUST know that as long as that DOOR stays open, the HEART stays whole... YOU will get through the 20's, the 30's, the 40's and when YOU turn 50 and you have that moment of truth of who you have worked so hard to become... YOU and YOU are enough...

Disclaimer: this is my take on it.. i have come to love and respect the role of motherhood and i love my mom... and more then that i like my mom... i have always liked her but i am the oldest and those come with their own set of lessons and rules... but i hold no hard feelings to my parents... i learned a long time ago that like me, my mom was someone's kid and my mom and dad were always trying to give us a better life... any good parent does that.. i know i am blesssed to have the mom and even dad i had... it doesn't mean i agree with everything and it doesn't mean i don't struggle sometimes with the past  but there is a level of respect...and I choose to dwell on things that will move me in a forward pace. I choose to look through the windshield and not the rearview mirror. 

and it is because she is my mom.







Saturday, February 18, 2023


 I was SO spoiled this last week... FEBRUARY 14-16 was seriously so invigorating..

I spent those days in a 10X Growth conference with some very BUSINESS savvy, dream chasing people...

And it doesn't matter what YOU want to say... BE the NAYSAYER... IDGAF... the bottom-line for me is I am stretching MY mind... trying to connect with my soul... trying to improve my own life and my families... and EVENTS like this REALLY make me think, ponder, search, investigate, expands my CREATIVE VISION... so if YOU are a NAYSAYER... HEY... what are you doing to do the above things with YOUR CREATIVE VISION... if YOU can't THINK of ONE... LOL... I am not surprised...

BUT spending this time with KYLE was invaluable... we were able to cut through the BULL... with WHO we are individually and WHO we are as a COUPLE... at the END of the DAY we are TWO INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE who COMMITTED to EACH OTHER... who are CO-DEPENDENT on Each other... who LOVE EACH OTHER... who WANT the BEST for EACH other Respectfully... and who SUPPORT EACH other...

Kyle proposed on Valentines DAY... I know the CHEESIEST day of the YEAR... and being a young woman who HATED SAPPY love days... and who REALLY felt inferior to a MAN... I have spent the last 26 YEARS being OKAY with NEEDING A MAN... WANTING a MAN... and I LOVE & adore MY MAN...

KYLE is NOT perfect... the world may think he is but our family life has had it's INSIDE chaos... but the one quality I know about him... HE doesn't Give UP... 

NOW ME... I am Mary Poppins... "Practically Perfect in every WAY"... those are his words... haha

Kyle and I were in a room of 5000... 25 yards from the stage... it had people like... Tom Brady, Sara Blakely and her husband Jesse, Stephen A. Smith, Megyn Kelly, Robert (Shark Tank), Mark Wahlberg, Stedman Graham (yes Oprahs Man-not a huge fan, but interesting), Dana White (UFC), Grant Cardone, Elena Cardone, Brandon Dawson...

These are BUSINESS people first and foremost... and we got to listen to their perspectives and the ONE thing they ALL had in COMMON... Relatability... I could RELATE... Nobody had it handed to them...  (except Oprahs Man maybe. LOL) THEY just weren't willing to GIVE UP... they kept GRINDING, they kept DREAMING, they kept the DESIRE... and the chased the FEAR...

Even though I am on such a smaller scale, I now get to choose... I get to reflect at my life and GO after what I want to, I get to create my life... YOU ALL do... 

It really isn't hard... YOU have to start with a DESIRE... and NEVER lose that GET up... 

I learned these different mindsets and drives because of a man who asked me to take this crazy journey with him... TRUST me it's been crazy... and because HE kept pushing... I kept pushing... He is one that is hard to keep up with... but HE is so worth chasing our dreams with... Love you Kyle... Thank you for ALL the HARD... ALL the LESSONS... ALL the OPPORTUNITIES... Keep Grinding...

#grit #maximizeyoueveryday #desire #entrepreneurmom #entrprenuerwife #madskiills #creativevision #realhousewifesu #womanstouch #ohanaracing #mywildmustangs #trainer #coachoflife #mindsetovermatter #keepgrinding

Thursday, February 9, 2023


 YOU GUYS & GALS!! What is YOUR mission in LIFE... WHAT is it that YOU feel called to do... lots of mentors, life coaches, successful people talk of this ALL the time... after feeling so STUCK and being looked like a crazy woman, and even mom at times... I finally FIGURED out MINE...

I am a HELPER!! I have a GIFT to SEE people in their REAL state... vulnerable state and they don't even know it... I have a GIFT to HEAR people in their struggles when they don't know it and don't want help... I have a GIFT to CONNECT... BUT my GREATEST GIFT is the GIFT of ACTION...

I am GOOD at a lot of things... BUT here is WHY...

I have the GREATEST component known to MAN... the DESIRE... I wanted these GIFTS... I wanted to SEE a need and fill it... I wanted to hear someone's heart beat and ACT on it... whether it is through hugs, dinners, listening ear, health remedies... MY gift is to OPEN your minds and ears and hearts to UNIQUE differences... MAYBE things YOU never thought of...

I have GIFTS... YOU have GIFTS... YOU have so MANY gifts... 

YOU have to SEEK them... YOU have to WANT them... and let me be real... I didn't realize this UNTIL I had so many people deny ME... YES, deny the opportunities I had for them to help them... I am not offended by this... BUT I realized in that moment that I was sent to be a SUPPORTER... to LIFT others... 

Currently... I am 100 percent in with my SON and his dirt bikes... I was told by a sister, "No-one cares about your dirt bike stories" (Oh SNAP).. and guess WHAT... Good thing I don't care what you think... BUT here is the purpose of this BLOG...

IF YOU have a son or daughter that has GREAT Goals and you don't know how to help them move on them... I will help YOU... it doesn't have to be just Dirt bikes... anything in life takes a MINDSET and a skill to understand your thoughts..

My son AMMON has only been racing and riding 3 years... HE just took 4th overall in a BIG bike race... normally he places maybe top 20... BUT to finish this strong (there is still work to do)... it took a MINDSET... HE had to think...

I love to work with kids and their minds... my own kids probably think I am crazy but I believe this Generation (the greatest of all time) needs to 


I don't write this to BRAG... I write this because I WANT you all to LOOK inward... FIND the PILOT light that YOU brought with you from HEAVEN... and LET's IGNITE IT...




Don't settle for GOOD... BE GREAT...

And I can't help it... I can't help being excited about life... I can't help believing WE were all sent here to be GREAT... I just can't help it...

The TIME is NOW!!

#maximizeyoueveryday #ohanaracing #peaceandblessings #gratitude #mindshift #desire #thoughts 

Thursday, February 2, 2023


"I LONG to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief DUTY to ACCOMPLISH SMALL tasks as they were great and noble. -Helen Keller.

I have BEEN doing a lot of THINKING... and for some (my family) that can NOT be good. LOL... But I wanted to SHARE what we have been discussing over the course of a few weeks with my 5 AM Serious GROUP...

FIRST... these ladies & GENT are COMMITTED... they WAKE up... they WALK over... WHEN it is cold and they are INTENTIONAL in their DEDICATION...

SECOND... they SHARE... they INSPIRE ME... they have QUESTIONS...

The First week was AWESOME... as WE dived in to the CREATIVE part... There is CREATIVITY in ALL of US... it's PART of OUR DNA... GOD CREATED us... I am just going to say it... I can't be ME without GOD... HE is my FATHER in HEAVEN... so grateful & blessed to know this...

But with that CREATION comes RESPONSIBILITY... We were created for something, for someone but we were also meant to CREATE... we must have VISION and have clarity... we can do this everyday by CONTROLLING our MINDS... being INTUNE with the THOUGHTS that pass through us and go around us...

CREATION=BUILDING... we are BUILDERS... whether it is BUILDING something in a physical state or whether it is in a spiritual state... WE are MEANT to do GREAT things with the life we are given... even if-HERE is the catch... EVEN if it is NEVER noticed or measured by the WORLD's STANDARDS...

Embrace Opportunities... When YOU release the THOUGHTS... OPPORTUNITIES are everywhere... the UNIVERSE will Manifest it's self to YOU.. YOU will begin to have EYES that OPEN. YOU will BE AWAKE...

ACTION... FAST... FAST... FAST... when this all comes together YOU MUST take ACTION & GO... RUN TO not FROM... the FEAR you feel in your GUT you will need to decide and discern that FEAR but, if it is because YOU fear the failure or you fear what might happen or you fear knowing NOTHING in that moment can hurt you and it's just FEAR... YOU have to LEAP towards it... YOU have to have COURAGE to CREATE...

BUT let's keep it simple... there is a philosophy of MAKING your BED... IF you will just make your BED and start there, because YOU don't know where to start... YOU will start creating habits... tiny WINS...


So start there...

I started making my bed because I needed that WIN... FUN FACT!!

I struggle with my thoughts... I struggle keeping myself in a place of LOVE... and I struggle with feeling WORTHY everyday...

BUT I know where those thoughts come from... I know they are NOT of MY creator, GOD... I know this and because I do it helps me QUICKLY SHIFT my thoughts...

to KEEP MY life simple... I look at the moment... I make MY bed and HIGH 5 myself... when I accomplish the goal and set smaller targets to hit that goal... I HIGH 5 myself.

TARGET down your goals... SET REALLY big GOALS and TARGETS... then SIMPLIFY them... BUT they have to be SO BIG they SCARE YOU...

ONE of MY Goals this YEAR that is REALLY BIG... is to ATTEND an ELENA CARDONE Empire CONFERENCE... this may not SEEM BIG to some... BUT to hit this GOAL... I need a FINANCIAL GOAL and an EDUCATIONAL GOAL... 

I need to GET my REAL Estate LICENSE and the ticket I want to buy is $2500 a person... that doesn't include Airfare or Hotel and food...

THIS GOAL scares me because I have set me my 2023 goal to go to 2 events this year...

DO you see my point... SETTING a BIG GOAL that makes my stomach churn (FEAR of FAILURE) and then setting little goals that almost make me feel like I can't do it... because honestly I already failed the real estate exam 3 times in 2001...

SO this is HARD... BUT I am creating SMALL TARGETS to MEET my BIG TARGET... and I am so EXCITED that that does feel SCARY...




Create.. NON-Negotiables... BELIEVE YOU can ACHIEVE... SHIFT your THOUGHTS... HAVE a DESIRE... and REACH UP... KNEEL down... & SET the INTENTION and DESIRE...


Love to you all...








Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 I have had quite the year but even to just go back to the last month of December...

Christmas was wonderful... the weekends and weekdays were spent at the MESQUITE MOTO Track... the training, observing, revving of engines and even meeting some really fast kids... 

My month between doing laundry with the company and watching my boys travel to California and girls being girls was a MOM's DREAM...

The last few weeks has been crazy... BUT it has been a typical day for a woman of my caliber and I will say that I WILL always feel like I can do BETTER..

This is MY YEAR of GROWTH... I started a 5 AM Serious Group on Wednesdays and we have been meeting the last two weeks. It has strengthened me... provoked my thinking and even driven me more in a way that I like...

I started writing my LIST of 300... reengaged my CREATIVE VISION... taking on OPPORTUNITIES... USING my method of FAST FAST FAST to declare my Purpose and using MY Faith to believe in MYSELF that all things are possible with GOD...

OUR mind is a powerful thing.. Social Media can make or break you.. I like to listen to Podcasts... books and even share the stories or ideas of my thoughts that have made me who I am...

What WILL this YEAR BE for YOU... Will it be the same... Growth... or will YOU find a word that describes YOU... or will you be content to be comfortable..

I started the 5 AM group to push me. To force me OUT of Bed with a PURPOSE... and it works... When I have a reason that is URGENT that I believe in I know I can rise...

SO HOW can I make my other days be just as protective and intentional. 

I AM GOING to have to PUSH myself even a little bit more... I AM going to have to GET really UNCOMFORTABLE... I mean if my weight and health were really that important I would make the same commitment to myself that I made with these friends... and actually MY commitment to MYSELF should be WAY more important...

TO keep it short and sweet... LETS GRIND and GROW this YEAR... Let's create habits and realistic changes that promote a MINDSET that is FULL of GRATITUDE and INTENSITY..

HAPPY NEW YEAR.. Year of Growth







Sunday, July 31, 2022

Danube RIVER Cruise..

What an experience!! I wanted to document my trip... so many parallels with so many fun times and times of sadness.. times of laughter... times of reflection... and those A-HA moments kept me on my toes...

It did help that the company we kept were fun... positive... and just as excited as we were to see the World of Eastern Europe...

We flew to Amsterdam-Prague and then spent 7 days busing it across Europe... Salzburg... Friedberg (Kyle's tour)... Bavaria... Munich... Linz...  Vienna... boating to Budapest..

Every city contained it's horror of Hitler... beauty of "The Sound of Music"... sadness of bombings destroying entire cities... Disney's inspiration for the Cinderella Castle... Home of Mozart... Prague's "rodeo drive" of shopping... Paprika of Hungary... Austria's home of KTM... and the small town of Oberammergau who presents the "Passion of the CHRIST" ONLY every 10 years...

This is the reason we went... the small town presents in honor of Christ this play to show their love of what Christ did for us so that their town will be freed of the plague that killed hundreds of people... their dedication... drama... and their loyalty was left on the stage... 

It was the HIGHLIGHT for me... It brought tears to my eyes to see the love of these people and what they were willing to do to keep their town safe...

Do you have something that YOU sacrifice to protect your family? I know I don't... I think the last time I sacrificed something was on my mission... It was a beautiful trip with friends that I will treasure forever...

BUT what I brought home in a nutshell was the way the whole TOUR was ran... It was punctual... It was FUN... It was tiring... BUT it had a PLAN...

I like plans... You have probably read many writings from this blog about having a plan... but I realized when I got off the boat that OUR life is much like a CRUISE...

In perspective... let me back up... When we got off the BUS we boarded the AMAwaterways River cruise ship... We showed our passports... showed our room and in our room was a key that we would use to check in and off our BOAT... 

EVERYDAY their would be an itinerary of our day... Our pillows were fluffed... Dark chocolate placed on each pillow and we felt like a Prince and Princess... 

At night I would read the next days agenda and Kyle and I would make a plan for us... We would include our friends with our decisions and work with them because of course we were on this cruise because of them and wanted to spend time with them... some things we did together and some things we did on our own... and the BEST was when we were together for sure...

It got me thinking... HOW is this any different then my home... 
MY life and journey I am on can be like a cruise... detailed... FUN... tiring... with friends at times... and sometimes without... BUT at the end of the day what am I doing to better organize my home... and even leave the BUSY to the world...

The one things I loved about this trip was it took the HUSTLE out of my life... I was getting so tired of just HUSTLING... my mind was getting to point that I simply was becoming numb to the American PUSH... don't get me wrong I like the stress... but it was becoming to much... and I made a decision while gone for the last 16 days... MY DRIVE doesn't determine MY SPEED...

BE the Cruise Director in your life... don't let other people's emergency become your priority... Make a Plan every night for the next day... ADD the little details... the times... the breaks... don't fill your day with unimportant items... and if you can't fill the time.. don't be Hard on yourself... let that BE... YOU time... or a quiet reading moment with a child or spouse...

Europeans live differently then US... and WE could take some notes... they LOOK UP...

I took notes... I am going to do things different in my life and I am going to be more conscience in the "ENJOY" 

You can make some many comparisons with this... 
YOU can say GOD is the cruise director... 
YOU can say GOD created the journey... 
YOU can place it however YOU see fit... 

FOR ME I feel so blessed for the experience... every travel experience changes my life... I love seeing the WORLD GOD created... and when I see people... I say... MAN I have some crazy... weird... brothers and sisters... the Germans don't like us... the Austrians don't know anything about the Sound of Music... and HITLER was a bad bad man... but MOZART wrote some beautiful music... 

At the end of the Cruise and seeing God's hand in it all... I feel blessed. I feel blessed to have had this experience. And Kyle and I became more secure with each other... HE does ADORE me... HE does LOVE ME... and being vulnerable is not easy for me... I have the best people in my life... The Schmidt's and The Payne's are my eternal friends... I am blessed to know them and I am a better woman because of them... THANK YOU Jessica & Tonya... 

Jesus take the WHEEL...

#maximizeyoueveryday #realhousewifesu #womanstouch


This last month has been something else... It has had me pondering much about myself, my progression, what I want out of life... And the sam...